Sunday, February 28, 2010

EOM thoughts

Thoughts for the end of the month (EOM): in the first place, February is a short month, but outside of that fact, the days seemed to drag sometimes and fly by other times. I guess it's not unusual when the calendar has so few listings of "things to do" ... besides Physical Therapy, that is.

Physical Therapy - a.k.a. as Pain and Torture - has been a challenge. The first two sessions nearly did me in. I was seriously overworked in that second session, and it took several days for me to get over the exhaustion caused by doing too many repetitions of each exercise. I kept doing what the nice instructor said, because I didn't want to give up so early in the game. But I found out pretty fast that I can only do so much in a session and then I have to stop.

Going three times a week to the PT sessions has been better since the instructor has lightened up on the intensity and I don't get so desparately tired each time.

There have been three really nice meetings during the month, that I have attended and enjoyed immensely. Ruthanne drove us to the Colonial Dames meeting in Bartlett; Alan chauffeured for the Contemporary Club tea over in Fayette County, and Ruthanne was the driver for the trip to Holly Springs for the Genealogical Society meeting there. Each group is different and very special with a lot to offer. It was good to get out and see those various friends and participate in the activities.

Now it's time to turn the calendar page to March and start a new month. I hope the temperatures will begin to warm up; everyone is so tired of cold weather. Thank goodness our area did not get any more snow (yet) this winter. The heaviest snow I can remember occured in the middle of March in 1968. We had 17 inches. Maybe our 6-inch snowfall earlier this month was all we're due to have this year. I hope.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February - half gone

Where did this month go to so fast? It was just the other day that we turned the calendar page to a new month!

We've had so much 'weather' it's hard to remember exactly when things happened. The first snow dumped 6 inches in our yard and helped pull down a lot more little twigs and branches that the ice in January must have loosened. This was a perfect snow-man kind of snow, and lots of yards sported snow families within hours. I didn't even try to go out to build one for us, though. I did that one year not too long ago. Built a snowman all by myself, in the front yard. He was not very big, and all covered with old grass clippings and leaves, but he was "my" snowman!

All these bitterly cold days have caused a lot of cabin fever around here. It's too cold to get out and go, and staying home gets tedious after a while. The Vancouver Olympics have offered a variety of programs to watch on TV, and the ice skating is always my favorite. We've commented several times that WE got the snow and cold weather that Vancouver really needed. It was warmer there than here!

Physical Therapy started last week with one session - mostly evaluation to find my strengths and weaknesses. I'll be going to Collierville Baptist Hospital three times a week for four weeks, starting this afternoon. I hope it will help me regain some strength, stamina and energy. My weight keeps dropping... and I am not trying to lose pounds! If it continues to slide, I guess a doctor visit will be in order.

The forecast for tomorrow is a little bit warmer than today. I sure hope so, since we have a very nice meeting to attend in the afternoon, and a nice day would make it even more special.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Catching up again....

I just realized I have not posted anything for several days, so here I am again - trying to catch up.
I sent the following message to the family after I got home from the appointment with my heart doctor:

We left here at 12 noon and got to the office building without any delays. (the snow/ice had melted off the main roadways by that time)

With only a ONE hour wait today, my checkup went well. Blood Pressure 120/70, weight 134 (fully clothed), and EKG was "okay".

Dr. Allen will let me change my heart RX from the one that makes my feet/ankles swell so badly, back to the med that was better... I have some of that one on hand, and will get the new RX filled when we go to Wal-Mart next.

He said I should have my blood checked at the C'ville office - in three weeks. That's for the coumadin level... and maybe in 6 months I could get off that one entirely.

He wants to see me again in 3 months, so that will be at the C'ville office too - he's out here on Thursdays, and since I don't do the Book Store on Thursdays now, I can keep appointments at this office instead of at the Baptist East complex.

WE got home by 3 p.m., and encountered no ice or bad road conditions going or coming back. The 40+ temp today has helped tremendously. BUT there is still a lot of ice piled up along the way, and unmelted areas "waiting for more"? I hope not.
So, that's the 'report' from Feb. 1. It's been a busy week with the FRIENDS meeting on Wednesday and grocery shopping on Thursday. I was delighted to get back to the Friends meeting, and received a royal welcome there. Like the kindergarten student who said he liked to miss school because they clapped for him when he came back. :-) They clapped for me, too.

Grocery shopping was, as usual, a big job. The checker commented that we must have been "out of everything", which is pretty close to right. So our cart was full when we finished checking out. The rain was beginning to fall a little harder when we got back to the car, so I did not even try to help load the bags into the trunk. Poor Alan - had to do it all.

Now it's Saturday and I'm waiting for Ruthanne to come pick me up to go to the Colonial Dames meeting and lunch. Charlotte will be going too. This group meets quarterly, so it's been a while since we've seen these friends. We did not go to the November meeting since I was still reeling from the shock of the X-ray and CT scan results on Nov 2nd. That seems like a long time ago.

I commented yesterday to a phone friend that I was so impatient to regain my strength, when we both realized it has not yet been two whole months since the major surgery. I need to practice patience..... not easy.