Tuesday, April 27, 2010

EOM for April - almost

We're winding down fast now, and May will be here before we turn around good. As usual, Rain is predicted for the weekend, and I'm sure the Fair on the Square participants are holding their collective breaths about the event. I'm remembering that the Fair was almost rained out last year, but they struggled through the weekend anyway. It's always a disappointment when the crowds who come to browse and buy can't come because of the bad weather.

Last weekend's weather cancelled our plans to go to Holly Springs for the Genealogical Society meeting. The sky at 8 a.m. was as dark as it had been in the middle of the night...but loaded with rain, hail, thunder and lightning. Not a pleasant Saturday morning for a long drive in the country. Other members were able to get there for the meeting, including the speaker, who said he hated to back out after making a committment. I understand he had a very interesting program, and I'm sorry we missed it.

We didn't do much of anything Saturday but go from one window or door to another to watch the clouds or torrential rain. Our front yard was a literal lake for most of the day. 3 3/4 inches of rain will do that.... flood the area.

Sunday was nice - sunny and windy, and a little cooler. Elizabeth came to spend a couple of hours with us while her parents went to a movie. It had been a long long time since we had that kind of one-on-one visit, and we both enjoyed it a lot. We sat on the front porch for a while, until the rain came back. Our neighbor was out walking his dog, and he came over to visit for a little while. Now that it's getting to be nicer weather, I hope we'll see more of them. Winter keeps people holed up in their own homes much of the time when they're not off at work.

The women's club meeting in Germantown today was nice, and the lunch served by the hostesses was delicious. I drove today - first time to go that far, and I was quite tired when I got back home.

There's nothing else on my calendar for the last week of April, but May picks up with lots of things to do.


EYR said...

Seems like the rain finds Fair on the Square a lot of late. Ick. I didn manage to get down there last year in between rain showers and do a bit of shopping, or at least the girls did. Let's hope the forecast is wrong, but Dave Brown seems pretty sure it is going to be a wet weekend, again.

Anne's BLOG said...

Yep, rain does plague the Fair on the Square fairly often. When I was still band-boostering, we had one Fair that was a total washout. Too bad, too, since the Boosters had rented a Moon Walk (that bouncy thing kids love) and it was wasted. Another time we had an ice cream booth, but May came in with a cold front and we worked wearing our winter coats. Ya just never know !