Saturday, November 14, 2009

Veterans Day and more

The Veterans Day, November 11 at 11 a.m., ceremony at the Doughboy Statue in Overton Park was very nice. Sponsored by the Memphis-Shelby County Regents Council DAR and the Veterans groups, the pagentry was breathtaking. The weather cooperated perfectly and those who attended were impressed with the whole thing. Just wish more citizens would see fit to honor the thousands who sacrificed so much for our freedoms.

Thursday's appointment with the Ambulatory Surgery Center at Baptist Hospital East, in Memphis, was Early... by the time we left our house and returned that late afternoon - almost 10 hours had elapsed. The Needle Biopsy on my lung was not painful, but exhausting. Having to lay on my stomach for the whole procedure time, arms stretched above my head, inhaling and exhaling on command... oh my. I was stiff and tired when it was completed. Then to have a mandatory bed rest for Four more hours (unexpected) was just about the last straw. Results will not be known until the middle of next week. More waiting. Every person we encountered at the Hospital was more than helpful, friendly and knowledgeable...and greatly appreciated.

These past two days of "take it easy and do not drive" has been a burden, but I found out pretty quickly, after my shower today, why that 'order' was issued. Weakness -- from all the strain, tension and stress -- has been slow to overcome.

This 'procedure' has totally upset my normal Busy routine, too, and I'm not real happy about missing the Book Store shift as well as a lovely luncheon meeting today. I'll just have to deal with it, though, since I couldn't do everything.

Next week will be busy too, and I hope to be able to pace myself accordingly. Sure hate to miss being outdoors during all these gorgeous fall days. So many leaves that could be raked, or blown..and sunshine to enjoy. Maybe next week!

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