Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A brighter rainy day

That's an oxymoron, I guess -'brighter rainy day'.
The redbud trees are still beautiful, even tho the pink blossoms are falling steadily, making rosy carpets on the ground under their limbs. Dogwoods are blooming nicely now that it's almost Eastertime. The spashes of white in the woods are so inspiring! All the flowering trees, cherry, etc, are adding color everywhere you look. It seemed like the Bradford Pear blossoms didn't last very long this spring, before the green leaves were popping out! I always wish they'd bloom for a longer time.

We kept the appointment with the tax reappraisal people last week, and had a good interview with a very nice clerk. She was as shocked at our reappraisal numbers as we were. Now the information we gave has been entered into the system (ah technology) and we're on hold until after April 20th, when we'll hear from the Assessor's office again.

The Buick repair has turned out to be not as overwhelming as first thought. It might even be affordable. Good news! I've enjoyed using hubby's van during my car's down-time, but it's much handier to have two vehicles available.

Now if the hospital bill and the doctors' bills would turn out as well...wishful thinking. Not a chance!

I am enjoying the blog posts that granddaughter Jessie has made recently. Her adventures in France are always interesting, and I go to the Atlas frequently to see where she's been or planning to go. Such fun! The Acadian history blogspot is fascinating. Every day there is something new to learn about those people who lived in Acadia during the 1700s, and to wonder how any of them survived the trials and hardships they were forced to endure. Like our own early settler ancestors - pioneers who traveled by wagon train, flat boats on the rivers, and walked from their coastal homes to literally break new ground in the 'west'... that is from the Carolinas to Tennessee and Mississippi. Could we do that today? I wonder.

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